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Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Audacity of the Hypocrisy of the Religious Republicans

Does the religious, Pro-life arm of the Republican Party really think that if they outlaw abortion that a woman will just happily skip down the yellow-brick road through nine months of pregnancy just because they have cut off all her access to a safe legal medical procedure?
I thought we lived in the land of free, home of the brave? Why is our freedom to choose being stripped away by cowardly men that want us to live by their 1800s patriarchal Victorian rule?
How is it that the Republicans who want less government have no problem with the government taking away a woman’s freedom to choose what happens to her own body?
Do the pro-life Republicans think they can cut off a woman’s access to a safe legal medical procedure and she won’t find an unsafe illegal way to no longer be pregnant?
Seriously, you can’t force a man to do anything he does not want to do so why would anyone think you can force a woman to do something she does not want to do?
Well, actually. they can force a woman to carry her pregnancy full-term.
When Medicaid funds are restricted, one in four low-income women are forced to carry their child full-term.
The Pro-Life religious Republicans will say that at the end of ninth months if the woman does want the child she can put the child up for adoption, but the pesky little detail they fail to mention is the millions of children who are already waiting to be adopted. Why aren’t the Republicans enacting legislation to help those already born children?
Imagine if all of the energy and money they spend fighting abortion was spent instead on the priceless children they say need saving so much -- you know, the ones that are already alive and parentless.
However, pro-lifers are aware of the fact that there are millions of unwanted children awaiting adoption, and, as I write this blog, who remain UNCLAIMED: in fact UNICEF estimates that there are 210 million orphans in the world right now. If they have not found parents yet what makes the pro-life religious Republicans think that another baby would have a better chance?
Imagine if all of that money they spent on all of those billboards and flyers and campaigns were either spent on adopting or donating to places that are overrun with orphaned children. Then perhaps these so-called pro-life religious Republicans would gain a modicum of credibility with me.
Also, have the pro-life religious Republicans forgotten about the one million homeless youths in America and that the number one factor resulting in a child being homeless is physical or sexual abuse? When are they planning on stepping in and caring for these already-born children as well? Where is their legislation to help these children? Not seeing any so far.
The pro-life religious Republicans are hypocrites to the highest degree -- they want to protect the unborn but have not done one single thing to protect the already-born; they have the audacity to take away my freedoms and my choices and the hypocrisy to do it under the guise of protecting life.
It just astounds me to no end.

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