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Saturday, July 30, 2011

916 More Reasons to Not Vote Republican

Trying to understand why any women would vote Republican can be hard to wrap your mind around because voting Republican is voting against your own best interests. Why would any women give up her rights, her choices, and her freedoms? Why would any woman want to go back in time before Roe v Wade?  
Why would a woman cast her vote for any Republican when all they have done in the last 5 months is introduce 916 pieces of legislation all geared towards trying to take away her access to choose a safe legal medical procedure.
In 15 states the measure became law.
For example: In South Dakota if a woman wants to obtain an abortion she has to now wait 72 hours instead of 24, not so good if your life is in danger, or if you have been raped and you just want to rid your body of your rapist’s DNA so your mind and body can begin to heal. Also you have to receive counseling from a pregnancy crisis center while you wait those 72 long agonizing hours. The pregnancy crisis centers in South Dakota are tied to a specific anti-abortion agenda and will use the woman’s appointment to impose their own Christian agenda.
Then before you have the actual legal medical procedure you have to be counseled by the doctor who will perform the procedure on all of the risk factors related to abortion complications, the information will contain data from as far back 1972, which is scientifically flawed.
Abortion is one of the safest surgical procedures for women in the United States. Less than 0.5% of women obtaining abortions experience a complication, and the risk of death associated with abortion is about one-tenth that associated with childbirth.
In Utah they are requiring the health departments to develop new regulations governing abortion clinics; they want to revise the law so that if you are a hospital employee you can refuse to participate in any way, in a safe legal medical procedure. Utah wants to limit abortion coverage in all private health plans, including plans that will be offered in the state’s health exchange.
In Mississippi they revised the sex education law to require all school districts to provide abstinence-only sex education while permitting discussion of contraception only with prior approval from the state.
In addi­tion to these laws, more than 120 other bills have been approved by at least one cham­ber of the legislature, and some interesting trends are emerging. As a whole, the pro­pos­als introduced this year are more hos­tile to abortion rights than in the past: 56% of the bills introduced so far this year seeks to restrict abortion access, compared with 38% last year. Three topics—insurance coverage of abortion, restric­tion of abortion after a specific point in gestation and ultrasound requirements—are topping the agenda in several states.
How many more times do women need to be kicked in the uterus to realize that Republicans have no regard for them or their well-being, because if 916 pieces of legislation are not proof enough then I don’t know what is?
Let us not forget that between the 1800’s and 1973, abortion was illegal in all or most U.S. states, and many women died or had serious medical problems as a result. Women often made desperate and dangerous attempts to induce their own abortions or resorted to untrained practitioners who performed abortions with primitive instruments or in unsanitary conditions. Women streamed into emergency rooms with serious complications - perforations of the uterus, retained placentas, severe bleeding, cervical wounds, rampant infections, poisoning, shock, and gangrene.
Republicans regressive politics have taken women’s rights back to the 1800’s. And you thought women had "come a long way baby" ... Dream on, because the message the Republicans seem to be sending is "Die Women Die."

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