Break free and fly, step into the light, let your mind soar to new heights of
understanding and acceptance of your fellow man.
Coming out as an Atheist is not easy for some, for me I am coming out
completely because of this column.
I am proud to say I am an Atheist who has come out of the closet.
I am coming out of the closet as an Atheist to let other non-believers know
they are not alone and encourage them to do the same. I want to show
them there is nothing to fear except fear itself.
My goal is to enlighten and inform others how Atheists see the world, how
we think and what we value.
We are moral, we are ethical, and we are tired of being defamed and
maligned for our disbelief.
An atheist is someone who is without theism, Atheists see god as a legend
or a fairy tale an imaginary being and we equate God with Pink Unicorns
and Zeus.
We don’t believe that Pink Unicorns and Zeus exist the same way we don’t
believe God exists. We can find no reason that God should be given any
more credibility than say Pink Unicorns.
Atheists lack prejudices against people of other sexes, races, or sexual
preferences. We lack the prejudices that most people have because most
of the prejudices people have are religion-based and completely illogical.
Atheists are a very diverse group of people. We are writers and poets,
teachers, scientists and philosophers, truck drivers, brain surgeons, in
other words we are everywhere and anyone. We are men and women,
black and white, gay and straight, shy and like me outspoken.
We are bound only by our disbelief; we have differing views on every
political, economic, and social issue. Our diversity unites us which should
serve as a model from which the rest of the world could learn.
We are often told that we have no morals because we don’t believe in a
god and to this I always say, “What a sad world we live when people can
seriously say that humans need to fear eternal damnation in order to do
good because then morals have become nothing more than fear.”
Humans have the idea of right and wrong imbedded in us by our own
brains, as well as our upbringing and society.
Atheists do good because it is the right thing to do, not out of a selfish fear
of eternal damnation or a need to “win points” with a deity.
We do good out of love and respect for our fellow man and the world
around us because we want to live in a world that is filled with love and
We value family, society, culture, and, of course, freedom.
There are 25 million freethinkers in this country that will not follow blindly,
we feel free to demand proof or at least a logically sound theory.
Atheists only seek the freedom for people to make their choices on their
own; we seek the freedom not to support religion through taxes, forced
participation, or special privileges of any kind.
"If you think you are horrified that I don't believe in god, just imagine how
I feel that you do!"-- Patricia Johnston
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